Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Favorite Moments of E3 2015

I apologize for the delay in posting my E3 reactions.

You would think that the first few weeks of summer for a teacher would be purely serene downtime during which plenty of blog posts can be constructed, but it just plain isn't. Yes, it has been a much needed time for relaxation, but it has also been filled with the busy task of catching up on all the responsibilities that have been outright neglected during the school year.

Anyway, I had the fantastic privilege of watching all the exciting E3 conferences alongside my husband and some close friends this year. We made a big event out of it and enjoyed getting collectively hyped over the very big reveals. This year's conference, in my opinion, completely overshadowed last year's and was about on par with 2013's. Below are some of my favorite announcements (in no particular order) from the gaming community's most exciting week.

The Last Guardian gameplay was irresistibly enticing

This beautiful experience certainly came to life at the opening of Sony's conference. The interaction between the boy and his colossal feathery friend was heartwarming in all the right ways and certainly left me wanting more. Like a Pixar short film, this gameplay trailer got me to laugh out loud, cringe with fear, and "aww" with welled up emotion all in a few short minutes. It certainly left me impatiently wanting more.

Kingdom Hearts III showcased previously unseen footage

Anything at all that gives me a fresh glimpse into the long awaited 9th installment of this franchise deserves to be listed here. While many consider Kingdom Hearts III to be the third "real" game in the series (because it will be launched on a home console instead of a handheld or mobile device), it will actually be the culmination of the entire first arc labeled "The Xehanort Saga". As such, it will theoretically bring together all the epic foreshadowing of the eight games that come before it, particularly bringing closure to the events of "Birth by Sleep" and "Dream Drop Distance". As a longtime thirteen year fan who has incidentally waited nearly ten years for this game, I can honestly say I am more than a little excited.

Kingdom Hearts Unchained X is officially coming west

Among the many Kingdom Hearts games mistakenly labeled as spin-offs, this game will bring fans the mysterious background of the Keyblade War. It was originally announced as a Japan only release, but E3 made it clear that it would eventually release elsewhere allowing fans in the west to play as well.

Final Fantasy VII remake is no longer a rumor

When the announcement was made back in December 2014 that the PC version of FF VII would be ported to PS4 sometime in 2015, millions of hearts sank. This was not the long awaited remake that so many die hard Final Fantasy fans wanted. I can only conclude that Square Enix must have noticed the tangible collective disappointment and secretly adjusted their plans. While I am quite certain that we will not see this large scale Final Fantasy VII remake for quite a long time, I believe Tetsuya Nomura and his team will do it justice. And I've always been okay with a longer wait if it means we get a better product.

Unravel's  reveal was touching

This game looks cute. I like the 2D puzzle platformer genre, and the yarn concept definitely looks intriguing. But what really got me here was how the adorably nervous (understandably so) Martin Sahlin described his humble story regarding his little red yarn doll in front of a massive audience. Here is a person who has seen his imagination come to life, and it is absolutely moving.

Horizon: Zero Dawn helps us imagine what it would be like to hunt robot dinosaurs (but they apparently aren't dinosaurs)

I think this is one of the games my husband was most excited about during the many E3 conferences we watched, and I really can't disagree. This game looks a bit like a mixture of Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Maybe sprinkle some Tomb Raider in there, but there are also elements that--to me--look brand new. There is something very fresh about this trailer. (Incidentally, that's something I look for at every E3, live stream, and expo. It is essential that new franchises show off a certain uniqueness; otherwise, it is far too easy for me to say "I've seen this before" and forget about it entirely.)

Firewatch teases a mysterious character-focused narrative

There's nothing like a couple of quietly charismatic characters and a scenario I've never seen to get me wondering about what kind of story might be told. Firewatch makes me tilt my head with intrigue as I consider the ramifications of being alone in the woods with nothing but a friendly voice over a dinky radio to help you while some unknown creep is roaming through your territory.

Fallout 4 demonstrates its breadth and depth of gameplay

I don't know about you guys, but I was thoroughly impressed with Bethesda's first ever E3 conference. To me, they came off as being far more professional than Ubisoft or EA, and they had quite a bit to show off despite being newcomers. Fallout 4 was absolutely the highlight of their event, and it showcased a lot of cool features. In particular, I enjoyed their character creation, settlement building, and interaction with the MC's companion.

Uncharted 4 gameplay and writing made me smile from ear to ear

The original announcement that Uncharted 4 was coming brought forth a kind of somber tone for the series. There feels like something rather final to it. Maybe it was the deep blue color scheme of their second teaser (the one where Drake first appears, not the one where Sully does a voice over while the camera pans over a bunch of adventure gear). Maybe it was the fact that Nathan Drake has aged. Maybe it's the downright funereal title, "A Thief's End" that does it. Either way, I both highly anticipate and slightly fear playing Uncharted 4. As much as I am 100% confident that they know what they are doing, I don't want Naughty Dog to do anything too drastic with my beloved Uncharted characters.

So when they tossed some new gameplay onto the big E3 screen, I didn't really know what kind of sequence we would be seeing. Would it be another sneaky combat sequence like the cave/forest mashup we saw last time? Or would it be something dark like the Nathan Drake teaser? I was rather relieved to see some typical Uncharted banter, including some beautifully crafted humor between Sully and Drake. I thought I would get an ominous or even teary cutscene. What we got instead had me laughing and cheering and getting excited about seeing the old gang take on another big Indiana Jones-esque adventure.

Recore allows you to save your puppy... by turning it into a gorilla

Here's another game that doesn't look like any other game I've played. The characters were instantly endearing, and the concept paves the way for new and interesting gameplay. I hope Recore lives up to the many possibilities it represents. Not to mention I love how strong female characters are becoming more of a matter of fact thing instead of a big deal due to their rarity.

Honorable Mentions:

  • New Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness was announced.
  • Just Cause looks like a whole lot of mindless, destructive fun
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider will include more tombs than the 2013 reboot
  • Trackmania looks full of fun and laughter
  • World of Final Fantasy looks sweet and probably includes some fan service for long time fans
  • No Man's Sky still boasts amazing possibilities of exploration
  • HoloLens has unexpected potential if they can overcome stumbling blocks
  • Fire Emblem: Fates still looks good, and will arrive in 2016
  • For Honor's trifecta of knights, vikings, and samurai certainly impressed
  • Anno 2205 allows players to build futuristic moon cities
  • Super Smash Bros. lineup is joined by Roy and Ryu (albeit a bit before the official start of E3) 

Monday, June 15, 2015

My 2015 E3 Wish List

With last night’s successful Bethesda conference on my mind and the many possibilities on the horizon as the rest of E3 approaches, I have managed to motivate my lazy summer self to write about how excited I am this year.

Let me clarify my intentions for this wish list. There are many things I hope to see over the next few days, so I am going to maintain a focus on things that would truly make my day. These can fall anywhere on the realistic spectrum from “that could totally happen” to “that’s never going to happen, but it would indeed be awesome.”

Let’s cut to the chase before conferences actually begin!

1. Some Kingdom Hearts details are revealed

I would love to hear a little more about the franchise that defined my childhood. There are so many things I can imagine for Kingdom Hearts 3, but I’ll stick to some nifty ideas I have had and steer clear of spoilers.

I would like to see the following worlds appear in Kingdom Hearts 3:

  • Shibuya (from The World Ends With You)
  • Tangled
  • Frozen
  • Pixar worlds
  • Big Hero 6
  • Another Final Fantasy world apart from Radiant Garden
  • Chrono Trigger world (long shot, but hey… this is a wish list!)
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe

It would also make my day to hear about these characters either (A) debuting for the first time or (B) returning after a long absence:

  • Noctis from Final Fantasy XV
  • Tidus (reappearing and older than he was in KH1)
  • Zack Fair (reappearing and older than he was in Birth by Sleep)
  • Kefka from FFXI
  • Zidane Tribal from FFIX
  • The World Ends With You characters
  • The Avengers
  • Rocket and Groot

Before anyone asks why I didn’t include Star Wars on here, let me just say that I am not opposed to the idea. I just don’t particularly wish for it either.

2. Rise of the Tomb Raider receives a PS4 release date

And let’s say it is released a mere three months after the Xbox One release. I can wait that long.

Side note: I own an Xbox One, but do not want to encourage Crystal Dynamic’s choice to alienate their long term fans in favor of a quick buck. So we will hopefully be purchasing this game for a Sony console. Because business.

3. Theatrhythm: Kingdom Hearts is announced for 3DS

So this could totally happen at the Square Enix conference, and that would be fantastic. I’ve already detailed how this game could work in my very first blog post, and I welcome the surreal feeling of seeing something I wrote about months ago coming to life at E3.

4. An HD remake of Final Fantasy VII bundled with FFVII: Crisis Core released for PS4

So I am convinced this one is not going to happen. My brother pointed out this morning that there are rumors abounding yet again, but I just can’t seem to get over the disappointment of last year’s PlayStation Experience announcement. They made it pretty clear there that they were only porting the PC version onto PS4. No touchups. No enhanced musical scores. It would be a dream come true of this were all some creepy ruse and they really were listening intently to what fans want. I just can’t let myself be vulnerable to this one again after the huge let down last year.

Jokingly, I came up with a wistfully enticing collector’s edition pre-order bundle. It could include the blu-ray for Advent Children, the reimagined soundtrack to both games and the movie, a hard-covered art book, a hand painted knights of the round figurine, and a set of glass materia complete with display case. Oh, and a $20 credit toward Final Fantasy XV. Because why not? This is a wish list after all.

5. Limited Persona 5 details announced

So I don’t want to know too much about Persona 5, since this is a franchise that just needs to be experienced. But I am curious about a couple things that would not ruin the surprises that are surely embedded inside this definite masterpiece.

First of all, I want to know the official release date. It is immensely satisfying knowing that Persona 5 should be released in the East and West simultaneously, but I still need to know when.

Second, I’m curious about the voice cast for Persona 5. I doubt this will be announced anytime soon, but if it was, I would like to hear about participation from the likes of Travis Willingham, Nolan North, Colleen Clinkenbeard, Monica Rial, and (of course) Yuri Lowenthal. It just wouldn’t be right to have a Persona game without Yuri Lowenthal.

6. Mass Effect 4’s main character and other details revealed

We know so little about this one. I mainly want to discover more about the character that will define the next arc of this series. Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt to hear where they plan on taking this universe next, and whether or not it takes any steps forward in terms of a divergent ending based on your actions throughout the series.

7. Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

Nintendo. Please, please tell me why I want to play this. It looks bizarre. I very much want to like it. I just need to know why. I trust that putting these two great things together will make a brand new game that can’t NOT impress me. But I want some encouragement here, and maybe something spectacular to convince me that I am not crazy for wanting this one.

8. Any fantastic new IP

I am sure there is someone out there that had an as of yet unknown stroke of brilliance that they will announce either today or tomorrow. I look forward to that and hope it is every bit as wonderful as the rest of these things that have made my list.

So I’m sure I am leaving something out, but my husband is telling me it is time to publish. No time for proof reading or tweaking my words or phrasing. The Microsoft conference is about to start after all! I will do my best to document the most exciting announcements throughout the next few days. I look forward to all the exciting news and hope this is an E3 akin to 2013’s (not last year’s… that one was kind of a letdown).